Privacy Policy

  1. Object

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (hereinafter RGPD); of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter LOPDGDD), and other regulations in force on the matter, NICASE QUINCE, SL, (hereinafter PEZ), wishes to inform users of the website (hereinafter, the site or the website) of the policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of those persons who provide their personal data through the personalized use or under registration of the services of the site or any other act that involves a communication of their personal data to PEZ (hereinafter also, Policy or Privacy Policy).

PEZ informs the user of the site that this Privacy Policy contains a general description of the aspects related to the processing of personal data derived from the operation of the PEZ website that this entity carries out as the controller of said processing.

This policy is supplemented by any informative texts and texts requesting informed consent that are incorporated into any data request form on the website or included in any specific conditions for the use of certain services.

It is the user's responsibility to read the aforementioned informative texts and consent request texts included in any data request form on the site, as well as the content of this policy, before communicating their personal data to PEZ.


  1. Mandatory or voluntary nature of data communication by the user

The use of this site is voluntary for the user, but such use is regulated by the general contractual conditions published on this site, both for use of the site and privacy.

Consequently, the use of the services of the website, including those that require the communication of data to PEZ, is always voluntary, but conditioned by the terms and conditions of use and privacy, which are therefore understood to be expressly and fully accepted by the user of the site and the services published therein.

If the user voluntarily decides to use any service on this website that requires the communication of personal data, such communication constitutes a contractual requirement derived from the acceptance of the terms and conditions that regulate the site, the user being obliged to provide the personal data that this site may request, and being informed that, otherwise, the possible consequences of not providing such data are fundamentally the impossibility of using the requested web service.

If the user does not agree with this policy or terms of service, he/she should not access or use any service on the site that requires the communication of his/her personal data to PEZ.

Likewise, the user is informed that this policy will be applied as a subsidiary to any other policy that, on the same subject matter, is established on a special and/or particular basis and is communicated to the user, without limitation, through registration forms, contracting conditions or conditions of particular services, with this policy being complementary to the previous ones in that which does not contradict it.

When the user must communicate his/her personal data to PEZ through the forms published on the site, if the user does not provide all the data requested in each form or, where applicable, does not provide those marked with an asterisk for mandatory completion, PEZ will not or will not be able to adequately respond to the request made by the user and/or guarantee the use and enjoyment of the requested service.

The user is informed that any processing of personal data will be subject to the scope of current legislation in Spain on data protection.

For these purposes, personal data shall be understood as any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons – including email and/or IP address data – and user shall be understood as any identified or identifiable natural person who communicates their personal data to PEZ by email, by filling out forms on this website and/or by using services directed to users of this website.

  1. Identification and contact details of the data controller

The party responsible for the processing of personal data carried out through the website or as a result of the use of its services is PEZ, SL, (hereinafter PEZ). Contact details:

Postal Address: C/Regueros, nº 15, 28004, Madrid.

Contact email address:

Telephone: : 0034-913106677

  1. Data of minors or incapacitated persons

Minors under 18 years of age and incapacitated persons may not use the services of the PEZ website that require registration or identification without the representation of their father, mother, guardian or legal representative.

  1. Accuracy and truthfulness of personal data

Users accessing the PEZ website are not required to provide personal information to use the site, therefore, any communication of data for such purposes will be because the user has voluntarily decided to browse or use the site and/or the services made available to them through it in a personalized way.

In the event that the user provides PEZ with his/her personal data, the user is obliged to provide true, current and accurate data that correspond to his/her own identity, being responsible for any data and information of third parties that he/she provides for the use of the services made available to him/her through the site.

The user is solely responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, updating and correctness of the data provided, exonerating PEZ from any liability in this regard and the user agrees to keep personal data duly updated.

The user agrees to provide true, updated, complete and correct information, always and only corresponding to his/her own identity, through any data collection channel published on the site, such as registration, subscription, contact, suggestion, contracting and/or any other data request form on the site, including other means such as sending an email to PEZ, through postal communication and/or through a telephone call.

The user is the only source of information regarding his/her personal data, and PEZ therefore requests that, in order to keep his/her data updated and up-to-date at all times in accordance with the principles of data protection legislation, he/she should notify the postal and electronic addresses indicated below for the exercise of the rights indicated in this Policy, of any variation in said data. In any case, when the data is collected or provided directly from the affected user, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations, the data provided by the user will be considered accurate, provided that the user does not update or rectify them.


  1. Special categories of data

PEZ does not request or require through the site information or data from special categories of users, understood as, in accordance with current regulations, personal data that reveal race, ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions or beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data relating to physical or mental health, data relating to the sexual life or sexual orientations of a natural person, data relating to criminal convictions or offences.

In the event that PEZ at any time requires this information from the user, the express consent of the user will be requested (either through a statement or a clear affirmative action) to collect and use this information, informing the user, in advance and unequivocally, of the purpose of the collection and processing of said information.

Consequently, in the event that, for any reason, and without having been requested by PEZ, said information is voluntarily communicated by the user to the aforementioned entity, said communication will constitute an explicit act by the user that implies the existence of a manifestation of express consent by the user regarding the processing of his/her data by PEZ.

  1. Purposes and legal bases for the processing of personal data

Users who access the website and voluntarily provide personal information to browse the site in a personalized manner, contact, register, contract or use any service that requires the communication of data to PEZ, are informed of the following purposes and legal bases for the processing of users' personal data that PEZ may carry out:

1.- Based on the legal basis of the consent given by the user by providing their data and accepting the corresponding box, PEZ will process your data for the following purposes:

a) Contact with PEZ: When the user uses the services enabled for this purpose to contact PEZ (via forms, telephone, postal mail or email), PEZ will process the user's personal data to respond to and manage the user's communication and provide the requested information.

b) Sending commercial communications: When the user expressly authorizes or consents, PEZ will process their data to send them advertising information, newsletters, news and invitations to events and advertising and promotional communications.

c) Product rating: When the user wishes to rate a product offered through the website Store, PEZ will process their name and email data in order to publish the product rating carried out in said space.

2.- Based on the contractual relationship established between PEZ and the user who contracts the use of a service or purchases a product through the website, PEZ will process the user's data for the purpose of carrying out the execution, maintenance, compliance and control of the contractual relationship, which may include: customer service, registration on the site, management of the user account (editing, changing the password, updating and modifying data, list management, order management and returns management), execution of the purchase and sale process and, where appropriate, return and exchange of products, accounting, tax, administrative and billing management, sending and receiving communications related to the product purchase and sale process, returns management, complaints management.

3.- Based on compliance with legal obligations, PEZ will process the user's data for the following purposes: customer service, complaints management, response to requests and exercise of actions and procedures before administrative and judicial bodies.

4.- Based on the legal basis of legitimate interest, in those cases in which the user requests to unsubscribe from the commercial communications service, PEZ will process the user's data for the purpose of excluding the user from the service. In this case, PEZ will process the data of the interested party to retain the minimum data that is essential to identify the user and adopt the necessary measures to prevent the sending of advertising and promotional communications.

In any case, the purposes of processing user data collected through the forms published on the site will be explained through informative texts published on the forms themselves and, when required as set out above, PEZ will request, through the boxes enabled for this purpose, the user's consent for the processing of their personal data when the legal basis for such processing lies in the user's consent.

  1. Recipients of the data

Based on the legal basis of compliance with legal obligations, the user's personal data will be communicated to third parties when there is a legal obligation to communicate it to the competent public authorities due to the subject matter and/or to address the requests made by them.

In such cases, the recipients of the data may be, without limitation, administrative bodies or control authorities in matters of data protection, telecommunications and information society, judges, the Public Prosecutor's Office, courts, the Court of Auditors or the Ombudsman.

Based on the legal basis of the execution of a contractual obligation, in the event that the user contracts a service or acquires a product through the website, PEZ may transfer your data to third parties necessarily involved in the management of the service in order to correctly manage the entire contracting process. The recipients of your data may be the banking and financial services entities involved in the collection and any other third parties that necessarily, directly or indirectly, must intervene in the management of the contract.

Based on the legal basis of the consent granted by the interested party who makes a review of the product, third parties who access the content of the review may be recipients of the published data. Only the reviews and the name of the interested party will be published, never the email address.

PEZ informs the user that any other communication of data to third-party recipients that must be carried out will be brought to their attention, informing them in an express, precise and unequivocal manner of the legal basis of the processing, the recipients of the information, the purpose for which the data will be used, and the nature of the data transferred and, where applicable, when the legislation so provides, the user's explicit, unequivocal, specific and informed consent will be requested beforehand. For these purposes, the user must pay special attention to the basic and detailed or additional information that is provided in each case in the personal data collection forms published on the site.

In cases where, in accordance with the provisions of this section, PEZ communicates data to a third party, PEZ is not responsible for the processing of the data carried out by said third party, who, in any case, will become the new controller of the information, being obliged to comply with the obligations established for this purpose by current regulations.

In addition, third-party service providers with the category of data processors may be recipients of the data for the purpose of providing services that support the tasks of data processing, always on behalf of PEZ and after signing a data processing contract with sufficient guarantees of security, confidentiality, return or destruction of data and compliance with the instructions given by PEZ to carry out the processing. These cases include the following categories of companies: web hosting service providers, communication delivery service providers, IT maintenance and support service providers and others.

  1. International data transfers

Unless legally required, PEZ will not carry out international transfers of the user's personal data to countries or international organizations.

  1. Period of retention of personal data

Personal data will be retained by PEZ for as long as the processing is maintained and until the legal deadlines for compliance with obligations and addressing possible liabilities are met.

  1. Exercise of rights

The user has the right to request PEZ to access his/her personal data, its rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition and portability.

You also have the right to withdraw consent given for processing at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

To exercise any of these rights, you must send a letter addressed to NICASE QUINCE, SL, to the following postal address: Calle Regueros, nº15, 28004 Madrid, or email:, indicating the right you are exercising and providing a copy of your ID/NIF or legally valid document to prove your identity.

  1. Protection of user rights

In any case, the user is informed of his/her right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), in particular, when the user considers that he/she has not obtained satisfaction from PEZ in the exercise of his/her rights.

The user may contact the AEPD through or at the following address: C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid, and/or contact telephone number 912 663 517. However, on a voluntary basis and prior to submitting said claim to the AEPD, the user may contact the Data Protection Officer at PEZ through the following email address: .

  1. Other user rights in electronic commerce and electronic commercial communications

PEZ informs the user who has expressly authorized the sending of advertising and promotional communications, newsletters, news and invitations to events by electronic means that, under articles 21 and 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the user has the right to oppose the processing of his/her data for the sending of advertising or promotional communications, as well as the right to revoke at any time the consent given for this purpose by simply notifying PEZ of his/her wishes.

To do so, the user may direct their communication requesting the cessation of sending advertising or promotional communications due to revocation of consent or opposition to the email address: by requesting it or indicating UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

PEZ will process your request, retaining the minimum data necessary to take the necessary measures to prevent the sending of such commercial communications.

  1. Information society service providers and other third parties

PEZ informs the user that this entity is only responsible for and guarantees the confidentiality, security and treatment of data in accordance with this policy, with respect to the personal data that it collects from the user through this website, and has no responsibility whatsoever with respect to the processing and subsequent use of personal data that may be carried out by third-party providers of information society services that may access such data by reason of the provision of their services or exercise of their activity.

Third party providers of information society services shall be understood as, but not limited to, those natural or legal persons who provide the following services: (i) Transmission over a communication network of data provided by the recipients of the service. (ii) Access services to said network. (iii) Data storage or hosting services. (iv) Provision of content or information.

PEZ is not responsible for the data processing carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks with PEZ or for the processing carried out by those responsible parties (private companies and/or public administrations) mentioned on the PEZ website and whose websites are accessible through the corresponding links that may be published on the PEZ website.

  1. Follow us on social media

Social networks are services provided by third-party providers that allow users to participate in a virtual community with other users through which they can create their own public profile where they can create and share content, information and personal data with other users of the network. On a social network, pages, accounts or profiles can be created and shared for personal and/or commercial purposes. The operation of the social network is regulated, firstly, by the conditions established by the owner and/or provider of the network and, secondly, when it comes to pages, accounts or profiles for commercial purposes, by the terms and conditions established by the person responsible for the commercial profile or account, who will also be responsible for processing the data of these.

PEZ has profiles on some social networks which are linked and accessible to the user through the corresponding icons and links posted on the site. The user can follow us and become a fan of the official PEZ pages on the aforementioned social networks.

The user is informed that the processing of data carried out through the pages, profiles or accounts of PEZ on social networks will be governed by the corresponding policies and conditions of both the official page and the provider and owner of each social network, where applicable, with said owner and provider of the social network also being responsible for the file of the user's personal data processed on the official page.

  1. Personal data published on the website

In relation to the personal data that may be published on the PEZ website, the user is informed that said data forms part of one or more data processing processes owned and managed by the aforementioned entity in which they have been incorporated with the prior informed consent of the interested parties and may not be freely processed and reproduced by the user or other third-party users - not even when reference is made to their origin - unless prior authorization and informed consent are obtained from the interested party.

The personal data that PEZ may publish on its website may consist, without limitation, of any numerical, alphabetical, graphic, photographic, acoustic or any other type of information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons, such as name, surname, photos, images of events held by the entity, data published by users of the web services and other information.

Therefore, all personal data - including images, videos, texts, data and any other information published on our website about identified and/or identifiable natural persons - may only be used by the user for the purpose of participating and enjoying our website in the manner established in this policy, or where applicable, specific conditions that regulate a particular service, for private purposes and within the framework of current legislation and without profit or commercial purposes of any nature, any other uses other than those indicated being expressly prohibited, including the incorporation of images or data into files or treatments and/or creation of databases of people and/or sending advertising or transfer to third parties, without the prior informed consent of the user who owns the information and data, PEZ not being responsible for the uses that the user or other third-party users of our website make in contravention of the provisions of these conditions and others that regulate them.

At no time should the user consider that the PEZ website is a publicly accessible source from which personal data, information and content published through it may be freely accessed.

  1. Safety measures

PEZ informs the user that, in accordance with the provisions of data protection legislation and taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, as well as the risks of varying probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons presented by the data processing, it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk and to prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration of data as well as unauthorized processing, storage, communication or access to said data.

PEZ will regularly verify, evaluate and audit the effectiveness of such measures, updating them where necessary in accordance with the results of such evaluations.

Likewise, PEZ guarantees the user compliance with the duty of professional secrecy regarding the personal data of users and the duty to store them.

  1. Use of cookies and devices for storing and retrieving data on user terminal equipment

PEZ uses cookies and devices for storing and retrieving data on user terminal equipment when the user browses the site.

Such cookies and data storage and retrieval devices are used by PEZ under the conditions described in its Cookie Policy.

  1. Recommendations to users

PEZ recommends that users use the latest versions of computer programs for Internet browsing, given that they incorporate greater security measures.

PEZ also recommends that users use the security mechanisms available to them (secure web servers, cryptography, digital signature, firewall, etc.) to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their data to the extent necessary, given that there are risks of identity theft or violation of communication.

PEZ reminds users that the Internet is not secure. However, there are various means in place and being developed to enable you to improve the protection of your data. Therefore, please use any means at your disposal to protect your data and communications, such as legally available encryption for confidential email and access codes to your own PC.

PEZ advises users that whenever they provide personal information over the Internet via email, newsgroups, discussion forums, etc., they should bear in mind that such information may be collected and processed for purposes not intended by the users, and PEZ therefore recommends that users inform themselves about the confidentiality and privacy policies of the online sites they visit.

PEZ warns users to be aware that, unless encryption is used, Internet e-mail is not secure. E-mail messages and discussion forums can be subject to forgery and impersonation, which should be taken into account whenever they are used. If you do not wish to publish your e-mail address, configure your browser so that it does not leave your e-mail address on the web servers you access.

  1. Policy Update

Without prejudice to the preferential application of specific legal texts for this purpose, such as informative texts contained in data collection forms published by PEZ on the website, as well as, where applicable, in the conditions of particular services, PEZ will periodically update this privacy policy and the processing of personal data of users of the website. Any modification to this policy will be published on the PEZ website, taking into account that each user, the processing of personal data that he or she may communicate to PEZ will be governed by the rules established and in force at the time of said communication.

In any case, it will be the user's responsibility to periodically access the published PEZ privacy policies in order to be aware of the latest version at all times.

  1. Contact information

For any queries regarding this Privacy Policy, the user may contact PEZ by the following means:

Postal address: C/Regueros, nº 15, 28004, Madrid



“Nicase Quince SL” informs the User that, in order to optimize the service, when browsing the Website, cookies may be used. These cookies are stored on the hard drive of the User's computer but cannot read the data contained therein or read cookie files created by other service providers. However, the User may prevent the generation of cookies and deactivate them using the options provided by the browser software used, although this may make browsing the Website more difficult.